Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday Update

Hi Everyone, this blog space will contain regular updates for the Helio-FrontEnd such as notices when it goes down and when it comes back up. If at any point your find bugs or problems when connecting, you can add a coment on the bottom and I will be checking them regularly.

For the moment I am adding today's updates to the site, was a pretty slow day dicussing design for the upcoming presentations and some meetings during the week regarding the feedback from last week's presentation.

Update 4/10/10

  • Minor Changes
    • Added a frame to the CS window when displaying results
    • Tweaked a bit the CS code to make it faster and support multiple requests(still need to test)
    • Made the links to the workflows more friendly to actually see they can be clicked
    • Fixed the problem with the single service selector not having memory of your previous selected service
  • Added Features
    • I want to push user spaces for the next release so in the spirit of agile devlopment I added a sign-in that asks for name only and preserves the name for the current session only.
    • Made a new section that will contain the continual query prototype we are working on with the design team (1 person team :D) 
  • Visual Styles 
    • I was growing tired of the navigation of the site so I am adding a new style to the menu bar in the hopes the desing looks as clean as possible.

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